Sunday, October 30, 2011

Be prepared: BBC practices for death of Queen Elizabeth II

Well, here's a bizarre story. Evidently, when the Queen Mother died on March 30, 2002, the BBC was roundly criticized for the fact that the newsman announcing her death was wearing a gray suit and a burgundy tie at the time. This was perceived as being intensely disrespectful. De rigeur for Elizabeth II's inevitable death announcement: dark suit, black tie, white shirt. (Also learned a new British-English folk expression meaning to die via a comment on this story -- "pop her clogs." Lovely.) Let us hope that all decorum is observed when it is time to deliver the obsequies. And such. Via the Daily Mail.

1 comment:

  1. "Pop your clogs" means to pawn your shoes....something you would only do if the person was dead...I guess it came out of the Lancashire mills where clogs were worn by the workers.....popping was taking things to the's also mentioned in "Pop goes the weasel"....a weasel was a yarn measuring tool...Pete Mitchell
