Monday, November 4, 2013

Larry Verne aka Larry Vern Erickson

Novelty singer -- via


  1. He was my father, Dear step-sister, who is now my step-mother, didn't bother to call and tell me that he died. Needless to say I was completely shocked and angry beyond words that she chose to not inform me. I was sad to find out and so angry I couldn't think straight. I found out he died out by looking his name up on the internet. I found out on Dec. 28th.

    I am sure you are very confused about the step-sister/step-mother comment in the first paragraph, so let me explain that.
    My real mother and father split up when I was fairly young. My father remarried a woman who had a daughter who is 10 years older than me.
    Not long after my step-mother died, my step-sister talked my father into marrying her. She says so she could have affordable medical insurance. He said it was because he promised her mother that he would take care of her. My step-sister was in her late fifties at the time, and has been living with them for most of her life. What? A grown woman can't take care of herself??

    I flat know she married him so she could keep control over his finances and property, especially after he died, in hopes that I, his only blood offspring, couldn't try and step in and take whatever I wanted.

    Well, for decades my father, stepmother and step-sister have known that the ONLY thing I ever wanted was his golf record that he received for selling over a million copies. ( Yes, back then a gold represented one million or more copies sold. Not like today where it represents only one hundred thousand copies) Multiple times, and some of those times in front of witnesses, my father had promised that I would get it. He also said he would put it in his will that I would get it. He said this while he was still healthy, long before he had a stroke and suffered from Alzheimer's. I believe he did what he said he would and she is trying to keep me in the dark, and keep it from me.

    I don't want his home, I don't want his money, I don't want his jewelery, I don't want his life insurance, or anything else, and she knows this. Keep in mind also that when he had the hit and earned the record, her mother was not yet in his life. MY mother and I were.

    Two years ago I went to visit him because I figured it was going to probably be the last time I ever saw him. I was right. Over the years he has suffered and survived several different types of cancers and strokes, and now had severe enough diverticulitis that he required another surgery. I visited him in the hospital.

    I stayed at my father's house with my stepsister/stepmother. I noticed that his gold record was nowhere to be seen so I asked where it was. It had always been on a wall in any home he had lived in. She said her son had it. She claimed my father gave it to him, but I could tell by the look on her face, the fact that she flushed bright red, and took a while to answer me, that she was lying through her filthy teeth. She either gave it to him or just hid it to get it out of my reach! Well geez, I would not have taken it because he was ALIVE and while he was alive, in my book everything that was his, was still his! Apparently she didn't feel his things were still his!
    It's now February 8, 2014. She won't answer the phone and she still hasn't called me.

    I miss my father and I'm enraged at his step-daughter/wife.
    Cat Jefferson

  2. He was such a talented voice actor. I hope you got the record. This story is sad for someone who had such talents.
